Welcome! We're excited to have you here.

You're experiencing a true first waffle 🧇

After 5 years of hosting the materials on our primary website, we are testing the migration to a separate home dedicated to the curation and development of our Life Design materials. As a member of the Studio community, you have exclusive access to this portal. We welcome your feedback and look forward to evolving the impact of our Life Design movement with your presence, leadership and engagement in this community.

Getting Started

For current studio participants: You will be invited during your Studio community to join the DYL studio community portal. Please check your spam folders to see if the invite has landed there instead! If you are unable to find the email, feel free to sign up for an account directly.

For past studio participants: Use the email that you used to sign up for Studio to sign up for an account. If you no longer have access to the email, reach out to dustyliu@stanford.edu.